Do you understand what I have done to you? You address me as ‘Teacher’ and ‘Master,’ and rightly so. That is what I am. So if I, the Master and Teacher, washed your feet, you must now wash each other’s feet. I’ve laid down a pattern for you. What I’ve done, you do. That is the path of blessing.
John 13:13-14
Serving others is one of the biggest indicators of life satisfaction. Did you catch what Jesus said at the end of that verse you just read? Serving others is the path of blessing. In other words, if you want God to bless you then you've got to get on the path down which His blessings flow. That's the path of service.
You don't have to be serving within the 4 walls of a church to be involved in Christian service but if you're looking for a place to pitch in we've got lots of ideas.
And serving with others is the number one way to get to know other people who make Riverside their home. Take a look at the opportunities to serve listed below and reach out if you see something that you might like to help out with.
And if you don't see anything that you'd like to help out with but have an idea for something else you can do then reach out and let Pastor Ed know.
You don't have to be serving within the 4 walls of a church to be involved in Christian service but if you're looking for a place to pitch in we've got lots of ideas.
And serving with others is the number one way to get to know other people who make Riverside their home. Take a look at the opportunities to serve listed below and reach out if you see something that you might like to help out with.
And if you don't see anything that you'd like to help out with but have an idea for something else you can do then reach out and let Pastor Ed know.

- Riverside’s Kids Programs
Be a blessing to the little humans that Jesus asked us to bless.
Weekend Services
Midweek- Ignite
Midweek- Rev
Midweek- Ignite
Midweek- Rev
Thrive- Riverside’s Teen Program
If you like working with teenagers then we'd love to talk to you.

- Worship Music/Tech
Weekend Video Tech
Weekend Sound Tech
Weekend Video Tech
Weekend Sound Tech
Weekend First Impressions Team
Do you have the gift of hospitality? Do you like talking to people? Do you like making people feel at home? Then join our first impressions team and help people who come to Riverside feel welcome.

- Creative Team
Use your creativity to change the world.
Graphic Design
Website Designer
Social Media Management
Website Designer
Social Media Management

- Facilities Team
Are you handy? Help take care of the Riverside building.
Campus Team
Like interacting with people the way the Wizard of Oz did- from behind the curtain- but not so much face to face? Then maybe the virtual campus of Riverside is for you! We are looking for people to make the online experience more interactive and welcoming during the livestream.

- Admin Team
Are you organized? Do you like making sure there's a place for everything and everything's in its place? Then maybe the Admin Team is for you!
Communications Follow Up
Wrangling The Pastor
Communications Follow Up
Wrangling The Pastor
Maybe there's something you would love to do to glorify Jesus with your gifts, skills and abilities that we haven't even considered. It may be that the best place for you to express that is outside the 4 walls of Riverside Community Church but it may be that whatever you have in mind will take off here. If you've got an idea contact Pastor Ed and let him know what's banging around in that head of yours.